Shopify Connection Setup

With the Brilliant x Shopify integration, your Shopify Ecommerce site can be fulfilled by Brilliant. By utilizing our API Endpoints orders placed in your Shopify Ecommerce store will be sent to Brilliant, and any stock or fulfillment updates will be pushed to your Shopify site. Here is a quick overview of the process of setting up the integration.

Shopify Products Import

In order for Brilliant to keep track of order data with Shopify, there needs to be a common identifier between the products in Brilliant's system and the products in your Shopify Ecommerce store. To satisfy this requirement, Brilliant will send you a CSV file containing each product and variant in your store along with a specific SKU number. The SKU numbers are what Brilliant will use to map Brilliant products to Shopify products, and will serve as the source of truth between the two systems. Once you get this CSV you will import the products directly into Shopify. We recommend setting the Brilliant product ID as a custom field on the corresponding Shopify items

Customer Information

Brilliant must have certain information from each customer in order to successfully process an order. Please ensure that all of the following fields are collected from your customers during the checkout process, and that these fields are all marked as required:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Shipping Address
  • Phone Number (phone numbers required for international orders)

API Connection

During the setup process the Brilliant team will work with you to establish the API connection. An overview of the Brilliant API is available here: Getting Started with Brilliant's API. You will use these API endpoints to send order data to Brilliant using Create order. To check stock levels you can use the Read Products endpoints. You also will need to have an admin user tied to each order that Brilliant will provide to you during the setup. 

Receiving Order Updates

The implementation team will create a Webhook using a URL that your team will provide and use to listen for Order Updates. This will allow us to send shipping updates back to you to be able to keep track of them.

If you choose to track order updates, it is helpful if the Shopify order IDs were tied to the Brilliant orders. You can do this by adding a header to their requests with a key of X-External-Entity and a value of Shopify-*-Order-*-#{order-id}, for example Shopify-*-Order-*-1234 Then if you look at the orders from Brilliant's API or through webhook updates, the payload will contain external entity info including the Shopify order ID.

Testing and Go Live

Before accepting official orders into your Shopify store, the integration will need to be tested to ensure all order fields are synced. Please place a test order in your Shopify store, then wait for Brilliant to get back to you with a confirmation that the sync is working properly or next steps if necessary.

After the test is complete, your Shopify Ecommerce integration is finished! Now, orders placed in your Shopify store will be transferred over to Brilliant to be fulfilled, and inventory and fulfillment updates will be synced back into your Shopify store.

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